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Honestly, I used to judge plump women.There! I said it. I used to think that they eat alot and don't care about it. But as they say, it's until you walk in someone's shoes that you will understand their struggle.

We have all gone through something right? Sometimes talking about it helps someone out there who is also going through something.

Weight gain and weight loss is frustrating. As much as we judge people according to how they look, how big their belly is or how skinny they are, we should try and imagine ourselves in their shoes for a moment.

But still, if you have no control over anything it should be the least of your worries. You can choose to love yourself or choose to feel sorry for yourself. The latter is pretty depressing and it will eat you up like a bad disease. We are our choices.

I may not know what you are going through or what you are trying to survive. But what I know is, it's not permanent. Do not fear to talk about it to people you trust, it helps. Do not at any time think about quitting. That is the devil's work, and he is an enemy of progress. He will infect your mind with aweful ideologies about what should have and what shoudn't have been. I believe every decision and every action is pre determined by the universe master. Whether it works out just fine or it doesn't, there is no quitting!! You just have to re adjust your attitude and make another decision.

Every problem is solvable, but not with quitting. Let no one ever lie to you to leave your job, your marriage, your relationship, your course, or your lifestyle. All this things are pre determined at the innermost core of our beings. God purposes everything, one step at a time and you will achieve abundance of every bliss you ever imagined.



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