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Showing posts from December, 2017

CESS'S JOURNEY 30/12/2017 (Day 1)

Hey Its new years eve! Around this time I am usually putting down my resolutions, planning on new projects, letting go of negative energy and taking a positivity pill.But first and foremost, I got a new client whose hair is splendid and she allowed me to document her journey from the beginning. She wanted to achieve thick locs and lucky for her,her natural hair is usually very thick.I used the palm rolling method and used the movit hair spray to finish.They gonna be juicy thick locs!! Happy new year's eve!!


Are you holiday hangovered like I am? Damn, if only we could rewind time!! But I thank God we made it this far in one piece. So,when I went shopping for my hair products last week ,I came across two products that have really been effective on my locs. They are: *STYLIN DREDZ CONDITIONING SPRAY MOISTURE SPLASH If you have bristle dry hair, this one will work perfectly for your locs. It is enriched with softeners that help to soften your hair hence protecting it against damage. The conditioning spray restores moisture to your locs and soothes dry scalp. Among its constituents are water, glycerin and castor oil all which are good for moisture restoration and for protecting your hair against damage. It also has a very sweet smell. You can get it in most supermarkets and in bestlady cosmetics shops. *STYLIN DREDS SPRAY SHAMPOO WITH TEA TREE This shampoo is very easy on your hair and it has a very sweet smell. It is enriched with tea tree which is very essential in hair growth by


I was eargerly waiting to write this blog post. Apparently my locs are 3 months old and that really excites me, its been quite a journey from day 1. So how did you spend your xmas? what highlighted your day? I hope you had fun with your family and friends. Well, lemmie start by sharing my 3 month loc update. It happened that as we were out for a xmas hang out with my better half he was like, your locs have really grown! And it clicked, today my locs hit 3 months?! So this is how they look at 3 months.. At 3 months, my locs are almost fully loc'd and more firm.The thickness gets better each day. Looking forwad to month 4!!  In my next post, I will do a product review of a product that I have lately incorporated into my loc care regime. Otherwise, I am really exhausted from all the fun, laughter and activities of christmas. I visited many new places with my family today  and I really liked the sceneries, beautiful decors and settings. So here is how my xmas adventure went along


Hey. Honestly, I used to judge plump women.There! I said it. I used to think that they eat alot and don't care about it. But as they say, it's until you walk in someone's shoes that you will understand their struggle. We have all gone through something right? Sometimes talking about it helps someone out there who is also going through something. Weight gain and weight loss is frustrating. As much as we judge people according to how they look, how big their belly is or how skinny they are, we should try and imagine ourselves in their shoes for a moment. But still, if you have no control over anything it should be the least of your worries. You can choose to love yourself or choose to feel sorry for yourself. The latter is pretty depressing and it will eat you up like a bad disease. We are our choices. I may not know what you are going through or what you are trying to survive. But what I know is, it's not permanent. Do not fear to talk about it to people you trust,

DIY( Do It Yourself) LOCS

Hello there. The other day someone asked me "Who started your locs?" and I plainly answered "I did". Ofcourse disbelief was written all over her face. There is a misconception that you have to visit a loctician to start your dreads.I am not hating on locticians, me being one.But sometimes they do what they think works best and not what the client desires. Let me give you an example. I visited a loctician when I started my  first set of locs and I specifically told him that I wanted thick locs. He said that he will start locs that will be easier to style, so I told him I didn't care about styling. Well, he went ahead and started locs that I ddn't like. So I decided, enough with locticians, and I started my second set of locs by myself. I can wash my locs as often I like , treat them as often as I like, do a scalp massage as often as I like and at the end of the day the outcome depends on me. Its amazing. You might be wondering, how the heck do I start loc


Hello there. When I styled my natural hair for the first time, it was very fulfilling to accept and embrace it. Its been a long time for many of us trying to manipulate our natural hair, by putting relaxers, weaves, wigs, human hair, braiding and so on and so forth.Its until we embrace our natural hair that we can truly experience the divinity of our existence. Well, sometimes we have limited styles to try on natural hair and I am here to help you add to your favourite style so that you can have a variety to choose from the next time you want to style your hair. My personal favourite, and my first ever natural hair style that actually made sense is this : It was inspired by this one and I guess I nailed it, don't  you think? hehe. Anyway, this one is good especially with short and medium hair. It will add length and volume to your hair.Use a slim head band to make a wide bun.Then tuck in the hairs on the bun using a pattern of your choice. *  This one is a simple one too. D